Friday, March 28, 2008

3.17.08 Pool Party

Yesterday was quite possibly the best Sunday ever. I woke up feeling lazy but convinced myself to get up and go with PCT Sarah and her family to this orchard and ‘pool.’ I convinced Joel to come and we all climbed into the back of this huge delivery truck and were on our way. It was a pretty short trip and when we got there, all the kids jumped into the ‘pool’ which was basically a huge pila, probably about 3-4 feet deep. Sarah’s host brother Edwin gave us a tour of the grounds, there were mangos, avocados, squash, coffee, and even some goats. We sat in the shade and ate fresh sandia [watermelon] and then finally decided to get in the water. It felt so good to swim around and the kids were so fun to play with. We ended up playing ‘keep away’ in teams and I totally got thrown around in the pool by all the guys but it was great fun. I forgot how much I love that kind of stuff. Pool play lasted for several hours until we were all bruised and exhausted so we headed home. I took a shower and helped Karen with her English homework…then I taught her, Josuye and Keren [my other niece] how to play A Pescar [Go Fish.] which was a lot of fun. [Sidenote: does anyone have any other easy card games that I can teach them? All I know how to play is Texas Hold’em and Gin.] All in all, a great Sunday. :]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that sounds much more relaxing than everything else yovue wrote about so far :D