Monday, February 16, 2009


As of Friday, I have been living in Honduras for a year. Wow. In some ways, it makes total sense that I have been here for a year, I feel really integrated in my community, my Spanish rocks, I have work and friends and am generally happy. :)

Last week was absoutely insane. I was out the door before 8am every day and didnt return home until after 6 at the earliest. Whew. Totally worth it however. Wednesday was probably my favorite day...I went with the Health Center to do \"Paquete Basico\" in a -seriously out there- community, which consists of the doctor visiting with sick patients as well as vaccinating kids, distributing vitamins and other medicines and general health education. We went to Las Crucitas, which is where a midwife that I know lives so I was really excited to see her and just get to know more of the outlying areas of El Negrito. Arriving there was quite an adventure as always, I ended up in the bed of the pick up truck, surrounded by a 5 other Hondurans and boxes upon boxes of medical supplies. (wait...did I really just say, \"other Hondurans\" implying that I myself am Honduran? Ohmigosh...) At one point, the road was -way- too muddy and the truck couldn\'t climb up the hill so we all jumped out to start throwing rocks in the road to help with the traction. At one point, one of the nurses threw a big rock near me and low and behold, smackdab in a puddle of mud, which immediately splashed all over me. I was covered...from my feet to my face. It was ridiculous but hysterical at the same time. We finally arrived at the community and after chowing down on delicious coffee and baleadas, we got to work. I mostly observed, the doctor extracted worms from a little boys bottom and an ingrown toenails from a young man. I helped give a few polio vaccines and handed out vitamins. My midwife friend was -so- happy to see me and I left with coffee, lemons, cilantro and a promise to come back and visit soon. We stopped on our way back at a house to see a few more patients, where I encountered a 13 year old girl that was pregnant. Clearly, my work is not finished here. :\\

I finally made it home at 5:30, covered in mud and sweat but happy. Friday was another fun day, we went up to San Jose, the largest aldea in El Negrito and gave a workshop on weighing and measuring kids under 5 to the volunteers in the area. I got to see a few areas that I didnt know and play with some local kids which always makes my day. The weekend was as relaxing as possible, I finally acquired cow manure so hopefully I can get started on my garden asap before it gets too hot. Also, really exciting mom and stepdad are coming to visit in March which I am so stoked about!! My first (but hopefully not last) visitors!!


Momma said...

Wow Andi, as always, great to hear about your adventures and what you are learning as well as teaching others! Looking forward to "shadowing" you in your very proud I am of you! Can't wait to see you, besos sweet Andi... love you!

Ashley said...

It's been a year already??!! Wow! Time flies huh? Glad you're enjoying yourself out there - sounds like you are accomplishing a lot! :)

Anonymous said...

I just came across your blog again. How are you? I am so proud of the work you're doing - good for you! Things at SHOP continue to plug along. Santa Cruz is good. Congratulations on all your success and your great adventure. Hopefully you're volunteering with us, and then your internship helped form your incredible service! Best of luck!! Meg Kobe

Anonymous said...

That is so great that you are getting to be a nurse type of volunteer. How cool!