Monday, August 18, 2008

08.07.08 Go PEPFAR

I have some very exciting news...I spoke with Trudy (the country director for PC Honduras) yesterday and after answering a few of her questions, I was informed that she approved my Pepfar (President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief) grant that I wrote for the Exposida! Woohoo! It all happened so quickly too…now I just have to wait for the administration gods to do their thing and we will have funds!

This week has been absolutely insane too…I can’t believe its only Thursday but I also can’t believe that its already August 7th. What a contradiction, I know. I just have so much going on right now…I barely spend any time at home (my poor puppy, I know) and when I am there, I feel like I have so much work to do still. Today I started cleaning out the 2nd bedroom so that I can turn it into an office and get all my work stuff out of my living room. I gave a ToT (Training of Trainers…what we call the standard 4 hour HIV charla that is ideally used to train the participants to give the charla to others) to 35 high school students yesterday –alone- which was exhausting. Plus I am a little under the weather so my voice was pretty much shot afterwards. I also had a meeting with Wilda (the librarian) and a woman who works with the youth groups in the Catholic Church. We talked about working with them on HIV prevention and whatnot which is really exciting. She and I were definitely on the same page about most things which was pleasantly surprising.

There is an obstetrics emergency workshop in a couple of weeks in Gracias, Lempira and I am taking a nurse from the health center and a local midwife. I am really excited because I don’t know much about ob-gyn stuff. :)

No wonder Emelina calls me super volunteer. Haha…

1 comment:

Momma said...

Big congratulations to you Andi! I know what a task that was to write the grant in Spanish! Great job!
You are not only a "super volunteer", you are a super daughter too. Besos, besos sweet Andi.
Love you, Momma