Tuesday, September 30, 2008

9.23.08 The beach and more…

Emelina kicked my butt this morning…well figuratively at least. I went running with her and oh man am I feeling it…but along with the soreness comes that runner’s high so I have no complaints.

After traveling for 10 days, it was so glorious to sleep in my own bed and be back in mi pueblo. Little did I know, only a few days later, I would be on a bus again, this time with members of the HIV Committees from El Negrito and Morazan, on our way to La Ceiba. Granted, one cannot complain about an all expenses trip to the beach, but really…I was perfectly content sweating my butt off at home sweet home. Nevertheless, I sucked it up and had a wonderful time. We spent 2 days talking about behavior change and planning the Exposida, not to mention soaking up the sun. We stayed at Palma Real, this super lujo resort that was –right- on the water, all included buffet and drinks, 5 swimming pools…it was amazing. I also had an epiphany while I was there…I was getting frustrated because we were talking about the general strengths and weaknesses of the Committee and I felt like I wasn’t being listened to so I sort of sat back and listened to everyone else when all of the sudden I realized that is what I need to do. I am not here to take over the drivers seat and lead everything for the next 2 years. I am here as a support to this committee and this town in general…to help them figure out how they can do these things on their own because in 2 years, I won’t be here anymore and they are going to have to do things without me. So from now on, I am trying to take a more backseat approach to things. And to just chill out…cuz I sort of freak out sometimes and Peace Corps is definitely not the place to be all stressed and weird. Haha. Plus, as Luis Estrada (the training director) said at swearing in… ‘’Don’t make heroes out of yourself, make heroes out of the people in your community’’



Momma said...
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Momma said...

Oh Andi!! What insight! Somethings have to be experienced by the person to be understood. Very powerful realization. You have a great mind,... one that should be shared... Honduras is very lucky to have you as part of their community, and even more so El Negrito is fortunate... but how lucky you are that they have welcomed you too! Besos, besos, sweet Andi! I love you

Anonymous said...

So true. Love that about growing up, all that you learn about yourself in the peace corps. Andrea! Give us another update. Let me know if you need something. did you get my letter?