Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Pictures as requested...

Top to bottom
1. Me and Reina
2. My kids at the bilingual school
3. The beach in Tela
4. Me and my friend Lidis at the beach
5. Me in all my glory, giving a chara
6 & 7 . The Rodeo in Morazan
8. My puppy, Miel
Details to come!



Anonymous said...

Way cool sweetie. It is wonderful to see you settling with the locals. You continue to amaze and impress me!
love, the kitchen slave

Anonymous said...

Hey Andi! It's Leo checking in, it's been a while. I've lapsed on reading this thing but rest assured I'm all caught up on your Honduran adventures (and misadventures). Sounds like you are getting along well (minus the parasites) and that's great. Just wanted to tell you I have a new email addy ( in case you feel like talking. Same old here, getting ready for the big move to Chicago and all that jazz. Take care.

Anonymous said...

Oh I finally get to see a picture of your sweet lil pup Miel (im sure thats not how you spell her name) She is so freakin cute!!!!