Thursday, July 30, 2009

San Jose

I spent the last 6 out of 8 days in the most amazing location and having the most wonderful time.

Was I basking on the beaches of the Bay Islands you ask? Or perhaps visiting the magnificent Mayan ruins in Copan?

Nope...I was simply in San Jose, an aldea about 30 minutes away from El Negrito...a community of about 1,000 people where there is no electricity or cell phone service...and I had the time of my life. I stayed with my good friend and co-worker Zolia with her 4 daughters and her mother. Each morning we woke up, had coffee and sweet bread and then hiked an hour and a half up a mountain to arrive in Cerro Prieto, where we are implementing the Olla Comun project. We gave the training to the mothers last week and after the blood and stool exams are done, we will start cooking. Hopefully I can go back and help Zolia for a few days during the 12 day process.

When we weren't working, we played cards and danced and cooked and watched soccer games in the field in town. I never thought it was possible to feel so at peace and relaxed. I ended up heading back up there on Friday to give a workshop on respiratory infections and then stayed the weekend to go to a cultural night thrown by a youth group that does theatre [the guys who head the group are brothers and 2 of the coolest, most down to earth people I've ever met.] Sunday I spent the whole day in the kitchen, making tortillas and all sorts of other delicious things. I finally headed down the mountain last night and was teased by my neighbors about being "perdida" [lost.]

All in all, another great week. Life is -so- beautiful.

Ah, y quien me escribio el mensaje en mi ultimo post? No dejo su nombre!!!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

7.21.2009 Where did July go?

I know people have been concerned about me given the political situation that is going on here but most of you know by now that everything is fine and tranquil in my little town. Honestly, if you came to El Negrito, one wouldn’t even know that there was any “crisis” going on in other parts of the country. Other than that, I can’t really comment on what is going on, at least not on my public blog. Just know that I am safe and that as of now, PC has no plans of evacuating us, which is a good thing. I would be absolutely devastated if I had to leave here.

So…the feria has come and gone, which is partially the reason for my lack of updating. Also, the fact that we’ve been Internet-less at WorldVision for the past week which is very inconvenient. I’ve been completely spoiled these past 8 months by having wireless at the office, the thought of trekking to the Internet cafĂ© was just too much to bare…but I finally caved.

As always, I enjoyed myself to the fullest during the fair…the HIV committee put together an awesome float for the parade [much better than last year’s] and I got to ride on top of the tractor that was pulling said float. There was lots of dancing, riding the ferris wheel, eating greasy food, and generally way too much fun, which is exactly how things should be during the feria. I hosted a couple of bbq’s at my house which resulted in more eating and dancing and overall great company. The other volunteers in Yoro came on Saturday and it was great to see all of them.

Not to say that I haven’t been working, because I have. We finished up the Olla Comun project in 4 of the 6 communities and it has been a success in all of them. The mothers have really enjoyed learning the new recipes and cooking together and all the children have gained weight during the process. I am hoping that the continued visits and monitoring will keep them motivated. I am working with other groups of families in various aldeas giving nutrition workshops that are 2 days in length. The first day we cover topics such as hygiene, balanced diet, and vitamins. The second day is hands on and we cook 3 different nutritious meals. I recently compiled a booklet full of recipes that we have been using in the Olla Comun project and Doris is looking into getting it bound. :) I still have my youth group that I work with which is always motivating and fun.

Emelina and I are talking about going to Guatemala in August which I am looking forward to. I haven’t been anywhere since Shawn and I went to Ceiba in May! I have to keep reminding myself that I only have 9 months left here because otherwise I will keep putting trips like this off.